So I got called for jury duty and had to report yesterday. I've always wanted to do this - until my summons arrived, that is. There were about 75 of us called, and it was for a trial that will begin on Monday. We were told that the case could last from one to two weeks. It took the attorneys all morning just to go through the paperwork for the 75 of us. After lunch, they began the slow process of questionning. After about three hours, I got moved from the juror room to the deliberation room; the next step would have been the courtroom and the questionning process. Fortunately the final member was selected before I got that far. Glad to have been a part of the process; glad to have been excused to go home.
The courthouse is on a beautiful street lined with old Victorian homes. Rather than park in a ramp, I chose to park a few blocks away and walk to the courthouse so I could admire the homes. A lot of these homes have been purchased by lawyers for their offices. Now I know sometimes lawyers get a bad rap and the jokes fly, but I really did have to smile when I read the web addresses as it was printed on one sign - Have a good day!
My hubby will also be spending time in the jury selection process...but I am not sure he will walk by gorgeous homes to see if his number is selected (he hopes it is not)! Have a great weekend!
Don't feel bad.......I've been summoned 13, yes thirteen, times over the past 25 years. And I've served on 4 juries including federal. It's really not so bad. I certainly learned a lot and felt a twinge of patriotic pride knowing I did my part.
BSLegalHelp.. oh so funny! :) I work for lawyers and I'm always ready to hear a good lawyer joke! Hey, and many of them have a bad rap for a good reason, but I digress ;) One perk though is being called for jury duty - no one wants you when you work for lawyers. Bwahaha! :) The houses sound wonderful, Mary. That would have been the best part for me! -Tammy
I bet there are many of us with stories on jury service, Mary. My Larry loves to be a part, he served on a manslaughter trial!
I've had some scary times. They called me to serve on a case of prostitution,and I was miserable! Thankfully, I was dismissed before it went to trial. This little Sunday School/Christian school teacher was definitely out of her element!
I've been in the same boat a couple of times myself. Never made it to the end though. It is however a bit scary though to think you might hold the hand to someones future.
Enjoy your week Mary.
Hugs, AMY
I've been summoned several times but never selected. I always tell them that I won't agree to large monetary awards and that I believe in capital punishment. (True for me!) That always takes care of the bleed-heart liberals who always want big money and country clubs for their clients.
The one and only time I have been called the same thing happened to me. I too was glad to leave becasue it was a child molestation case. Found out later he got the max! Justice was served.
yes, served my time last year. it was fine. the lawyers settled before it went to trial, but like you, enjoyed the process of meeting new people and seeing a different part of the city.
great website! lol.
Doing jury duty is a good thing....
let's hope there will be one available should "we" ever need one.
but I had Federal Grand Jury Duty for 24 months......yep twice a week drive an hour away and listen to lawyers present new cases.....should they go to a jury or not? It was exhausting and some of those cases were presented to us for months.....never again! I am one of those folks that get called every other year!
BSlegal is right!!!!
Happy Sewing
Love that sign too.. how funny! I was called for jury duty once also and like you, I was dismissed. Praise God because I was NOT looking forward to it!
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