1. Bring 13 bags with seven light and seven dark fat-quarter length strips.
2. No 30's, novelty, neon, or pastel fabrics.
3. Has to be quilt shop quality fabric.
We can trade strips after the trade, but I doubt I will do that as sometimes the fabrics I don't really care for make the best quilts.

I think this is going to be one of the best projects we've done. Everyone in this group has great taste in quilts and fabrics, so I know every quilt will be a winner.
Hi Mary
I've never heard of this kind of thing. Can't wait to see your progress!
A different sort of swap. It will be interesting to see what you make!
I've been wishing over this book...(maybe Santa this Christmas). I don't know the quilt names, but A quilt I'd love you to make is the star one with log cabin pieces around it.. Another good one is a dish block I think. You're going to have fun...
What a great idea! My mom would LOVE this! : )
Sounds like so much fun! I love the idea of swaps, we all have so much unused fabric. Can't wait to see the quilt! Be blessed!
I am sure this is a fun swap, I am looking forward to seeing what you create with your swapped strips! Have fun being creative! Blessings coming your way, have a great week!
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