
Thursday, September 15, 2011

OK, so I'm a Republican

You know how you should never mix politics, religion, and friendship? Two weeks ago we had dinner with another couple. The men work together, and I've only met the girlfriend a couple of times. Somehow or other, the subject of politics came up; and I found out she's a die-hard Democrat. I wonder if her perspective of me changed when she discovered I'm on the opposite side; I sure think differently of her now because of her negative comments about my people. In the blog world we tend to read blogs by women we identify with, and one of my favorite bloggers is Debbie. I recently asked her opinion on Rick Perry since he is the governor of the state she lives in. If you're interested in her opinion, check out her blog.

And let's just keep politics and religion on the back burner, OK?


Susan said...

I can usually agree to disagree with those who don't share my political or religious views, but it is a lot easier to be friends with folks who are more like-minded, that's for sure!

Angela said...

I get the impression that the R v. D thing is much bigger in the States than the differences between political parties here in the UK.
When I visited a good friend in Washington, I wanted to see JFK's grave at Arlington and take a picture for my Dad. My friend said "We are not going there, he is just a dead democrat" If people feel that strongly, I guess it is better to avoid the topic rather than spoil the atmosphere.
But I would rathe rbe a good friend and agree to differ!

an interesting post, thought provoking post - thankyou!

Audrey said...

Angela, I am sorry your friend felt that way. Not all Republicans feel like that. Most people that I know vote for the person (or what they have learned about them) and not for the party. There is enough hatred in this world with out making up reasons to dislike someone.

Theresa said...

Americans are definately more divided along political lines. Here in Canada we have three main political parties. When "my" party won back about 7 years ago, I sent my friend a sympathy card....he was a die-hard New Democrat. He got a good laugh out of it. It is too bad that people can't see past who they vote for.

Karen Sue said...

yeah, well sometimes you can tell what they are just by the actions. And you know they are different from you. I love those people who blame EVERYTHING on the other party. No - politics is NOT a pretty subject. I have friends I DO NOT talk it with, but you can be a crappy democrat, republican, black, white, red, yellow, orange person. Crappy is as crappy does. It is NOT reserved for a special group...

Karen Sue said...

Sorry Mary,
I just went back and read that and it didn't sound so nice. My point being, I can sit and have a lovely meal with a democrat or a republican, but please, don't start throwing around lots of blame on everyone but your own group. I'm not always happy with everything my family and friends say and do, but they are my people... Guess I'd better quit now..not really sure I'm ahead yet!!

Angie Berry ~ Berry Homespun Primitives said...

Well thank you for the link to Debbie's blog post. I had been wondering about him myself. It's good to hear from someone that lives there. I didn't know much about him until he called all governors to meet and pray. Of course, that gained much respect from me.

Linda said...

I am an independent who leans very conservative...socially and economically...I went over to Debbie's site and read her thoughts. Thanks for sending us there!Funny husband has 8 brothers and sisters...half are conservative republicans...half are democratic liberals...the half that are liberal work for the government...go figure!

Sewn With Grace said...

I'm a Republican too. I take a lot of grief for it from my Democratic friends. Thing is, I don't go around giving people grief for being Democrats. Isn't there a way to agree to disagree without getting nasty? I always feel like I have to defend myself. There's something wrong with this picture. I'm standing strong with you, friend!

Siobhán said...

I find it odd here in Ireland that people are NOT more jazzed about their politics. I had to ask my SIL about it, about whether their family had die hard opinions. I got some family history about how people voted but -- it's odd to me. Maybe it's a bit refreshing, too, because people can get so nasty. I have very strong religious beliefs that seem to fall on both sides of the aisle and I vote for the candidate rather than the party. We watch a lot of Fox News (the only station here that shows us the same thing you're getting in the US) and it's biased but I do agree with a lot of it. I liked reading what your friend said about Perry, though I have to admit that I winced about her derogatory comments about our president (yes, I vote!). Maybe it's the living away from the US thing but I believe that you give the president respect whether you agree with him or not. When GWB visited here in 2004 or 2005, one of the political parties littered the town with signs saying "Give Bush The Push!". I won't tell you about the blistering their candidate received when he was campaigning a year or so later but I was pleased to know that they made sure to skip my house on subsequent campaign visits. LOL I think one of my biggest problems with Perry is the religious talk. I am incredibly proud to be a Christian and agree with him personally, but politically it can be divisive because there is separation of church and state and the US is a fabulous melting pot of so many different religions. Yes, his religion can influence his decisions (and I hope they do!) but I think some of the things he's said have been divisive. In the end, I wish the politicians would step out of the race for 2012 and stop doing what is best for their parties and start doing what is best for the people who elected them.

I have two friends who are staunch members of their parties and I enjoy talking with them so much. It's nice to talk about different view points when people can stop and talk about why they believe what they believe and how they came to that conclusion. My twins will be 18 next year and are eager to be able to vote. One has said that they'll be registering as a Republican and the other is still undecided. I've been trying to make sure that they learn as much as they can about each candidate so that they can make informed decisions.

Linda said...

Your in good company, Mary. :-)

Anonymous said...

Aw HECK, Mary! That's no fun! :) Thanks for the plug, but it was not necessary.

corners of my life said...

Good for you - being on the "right" side of politics