I was looking at my Farm Chicks Christmas book Saturday evening, and there was a picture of a tree with 2,000 ornaments - just beautiful! I'm not sure how tall the tree is.
Randy and Larry dragged the tree up from the basement and set it up on Saturday evening. Early Sunday morning I started bring up one box of ornaments at a time, and I started counting them as I hung them on the tree. There are a lot of golf-related ornaments (Larry), primitive angels (me), and a baby's first Christmas ornament for each of our girls. And then there are the quirky ornaments the girls made in Missionettes when they were little, the ornaments given to us by friends, the satin bells my Great Aunt Edie had back in the 1970's, and the wooden ornaments Mom gave us when we were first married. I counted 225 ornaments, and I still haven't found the snowman Mom bought for me when I was little or any of the shiny glass balls that Larry always liked. And I see there are still two boxes of ornaments in the basement that I need to go through.
I think I could have put every ornament on the tree if I had started in the center and worked my way out to the tips, but enough is enough. After I started writing this post I realized we do have a theme tree. I'll leave it to you to imagine what it would be because there are a lot of adjectives that would describe it! But I think it is a beautiful tree this year.
I don't have a theme tree either but what I do have, and you too by the sounds of it, is a tree full of memories and that suits me just fine. : )
Mary, I love your tree. It's perfect. My main, big tree is a hodge podge too. Our theme is "our family tree" and yours I'm sure is too!!
Your tree looks beautiful! I'm like you, I don't care for the theme trees; half the fun is looking at all the old ornaments and remembering the special memories....
Love your tree! I love to bring the ornaments out each year and remember the memories that each one brings back.
It is a theme tree! A Memory Tree!
So beautiful, too!
I love to hear the stories behind the ornaments. Maybe you could do a post for us on that!?
Just asking :)
xo, misha
I think you tree says family. Themes are wonderful and martha stewart makes us think we should do things a certain way. But in the end it is about love of the people inportant to you.
Thank you for your visit I enjoy every comment.
Beautiful tree! I think trees with memories are always the best...brings on conversations of "remember when"...love it! Have a blessed week!
I think your tree is just beautiful Mary. I think a theme for your tree could be "Days gone by". You mentioned that your girls were in Missionettes when they were young. May I ask how far they went. Allison went as far as being crowned an honor star and then circumstances beyond our control took place and she decided to no longer participate. She would have been the first girl in our church to go all the way to the top had she not quit.
Enjoy your day.
I'm lucky enough to have both kind of trees. The big one in the living room is sort of themed with all red and grinch green (chartreuse) ornaments. The upstairs hallway tree is all the "other" ornaments. . . ones the kids made, ornaments from each of our vacations, ornies from when we were kids, ornies that I bought just because I liked them. Best of both worlds.
I like Memory Trees. That's the kind we always have, but this year my tiny little live spruce would not hold such a large assortment of memories.
I like your tree! 225 is a LOT of memories.
I wish I could be there to see the tree! It always looks so great. I'll definatly miss being home this year. Hey, you ought to post about your candy cane tree!
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