Audrey and I saw these cute little guys in a wonderful country store. Here's how to make one.
You'll need a 2 1/2" round styrofoam ball, two 1/2" strips of white muslin, a cool-melt gun, black and orange paints, a child's paintbrush.

Carefully wind a strip around the ball while just slightly overlapping the previous strip. I'm using a tan fabric here so you can see what I'm doing. There is no need to put glue on the start of the first strip; the texture of the styrofoam will hold it in place.
Cut any loose threads as you wind; do not pull them. Finish the first strip on the bottom of the ball trimming extra fabric if necessary. Overlapping the end of the first strip, start winding the second strip. You don't need to glue the end to start; just hold it with your finger.

When you've wound the ball completely, trim the end of the strip so that you finish at the bottom of the ball. Here is where you will want to put a dab of glue. At this point, you will thank me for recommending a cool-melt gun rather than a hot glue gun.
To paint the face, pour a small amount of black paint onto a bit of waxed paper. Dip the end of the paintbrush (not the brush end), into the paint. Steady your hand with your little finger on the ball, and make a dot for each eye and the smile. Be sure to dot on the strip of fabric and not on the edge.

We saw a glass cylinder filled with these little heads and an evergreen wreath with the heads tucked here and there. Really cute!
How sweet are those?! Thank you for sharing! Have a wonderful Sunday! -Tammy
I love them~I think I will make a few.
Thanks for sharing and your sweet comment this morning.
Love the snowmen! They are the cutest :) Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for showing us how to make those adorable snowmen.... so cute!
Thank you for sharing this idea, and the tutorial for making these adorable snowmen! I love snowmen, I am thinking maybe making a few during my Thanksgiving break from the office will be a good time to give this a try! Have a wonderful week, Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! Blessings from Central PA!
Way fun project to make with my girls over Christmas break. Thanks for posting! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!
Super cute idea...thanks for sharing this!
I hope you have a great and happy Thanksgiving!
These are too cute! I love them. :)
I saw almost the exact arrangement at a store I was at this weekend Mary. I just loved it. I believe the cost of the glass piece and maybe 10 snowmen heads was $28. I may just have to make some of these buggers for myself. Thanks for the instructions.
They are perfect for extra seasonal decor!
Thanks for showing us how in your easy-to-follow instructions!
What a cheerful and cute idea!
This is cute, and I think I have some of those balls floating around here somewhere!! On Wed, when we went to our girls nite at church, I was hauling stuff out of here thinking, it would have been almost easier to find a place here for 20 women...well, maybe not!! Thanks for sending Julie our way. I think she had a good time and I got to sit by her on Sunday, too!
How festive! Another great holiday decor piece. Thanks for the instructions! Did you paint the muslim strips white? This would make a great craft for the kids this weekend.
These are so cute!!!
These are too cute, thanks for sharing the how to.
Those are toooo cute.
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